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FASTory Simulator

FASTory Simulator

FASTory simulator is a simulator for real assembly line (FASTory) that is used to assemble electronic devices. FASTory research environment is located in Tampere University of Technology, Finland and it is used to demonstrate the assembly of mobile phones by drawing mobile phone’s main parts (frame, screen and keyboard) with different colours and different shapes. The line includes the main components of a production line; robots, transportation system, tools, end effectors, raw material, working stations, loading and unloading stations and a buffer station.

As any simulator, FASTory simulator is made to make life easier for the users of the real line, hence here, physical problems cannot occur such as power shutdown or mechanical issues that continuously happen in the real assembly lines. FASTory simulator was made by researchers working in eScop-project in the University. The simulator is considered to be very useful for the other partners in eScop project to test their tools on the line and use it as workbench for the development process. It can also be used for educational purposes by University students rather than using the real one, where students usually make mistakes during their experiments that can harm them or the facility. FASTory simulator is intended to be simple to use, it can be opened using web browsers for monitoring the line and RESTful client to invoke the line operations in other words it needs just a device with web browser installed in it. For these and many other reasons, FASTory simulator is considered as extremely useful and safe tool for research, developments and education.

For future work, this simulator can be used for testing orchestration tools.

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